Many people here in Bend have shared their concerns regarding the chiropractic adjustment. Some feel it is too strong a force, and some do not like having their neck or low back twisted. Others feel that the sounds that often accompany the adjustment are less than enjoyable. Unfortunately, many of these people also believe that chiropractic care offers no other alternative to the snapping and popping sounds usually performed by chiropractors. As a result, they don’t try it, and don’t receive the many benefits chiropractic care has to offer.
Fortunately, there is an alternative:
The chiropractic care provided at Heartstone Family Chiropractic is a blend of Network Spinal Analysis, an advanced chiropractic approach, Cranial Sacral therapy, a hands-on method designed by an Osteopathic Physician, specific muscle work aimed at improving the function of fascia/connective tissue in your body as well as the traditional high velocity, low-amplitude(HVLA) thrust typical of chiropractic care. Together, these techniques serve to greatly enhance the workings of the body, gently and with much less force than the typical chiropractic adjustment. Using very light forces allows your body to move from a place of defense, when it is experiencing pain, stress or in general crisis, into one of safety. Once in a place of safety and clear of a majority of tension, your body can then transition into growth, where it can then begin laying new foundations and movement patterns for the future.
Subluxations in the spine (the term chiropractors use to describe vertebral bones out of alignment, disrupting the local area’s proper motion, nutrition and relationships to surrounding areas) are a symptom or manifestation of a much bigger problem. That problem is a combination of stress and tension patterns that have accumulated over a person’s lifetime. These patterns arise from physical, chemical and emotional/mental traumas, which are then stored as tension or dis-ease throughout your body. This creates symptoms such as subluxations, pain, tingling, numbness, and headaches, to name just a few. The patterns create the postures and the postures lead to symptoms.
The purpose of Heartstone Family Chiropractic is to help people connect to their patterns so that they can then release them at their root cause, thereby freeing their body for growth and healing. Areas of high tension begin to open and even areas of long-standing tension can begin to open using very light forces, no heavier than the weight of a nickel.